Saturday, August 27, 2011

Thumbs Up

"मैं धारक को १० रुपए अदा करने का वचन देता हूँ "

It appears to me like the Indian one rupee coin is asking for a lift. It's a silent 'all the best' to people using it, as opposed to the two rupee coin which publicises 'peace'. But at the same time, a one rupee coin asks people to value it. To understand what it takes to be the lowest denomination that can be spent. What is the significance of Indian currency today, I wonder. No, I'm not thinking about the attributes of globalisation and trade here. The recent 'India Against Corruption' campaign has led me to to critically evaluate the value of money.

The politics of symbolism can not be side lined. That we see when Anna is compared to Gandhi today. When you raise questions about Anna's supposed 'sanctity' and try to nullify his comparison with the much celebrated 'father of the nation', does it not make you question that perhaps Gandhi too, was a result of algorithmic image building?

Then what's the use of reality and objectivity in public space when people are almost averse to it? How difficult is it for those who are mechanically trained for understanding a sugar coated language of emotions and sentiments, to percieve 'objectivity' that we talk about?

Let's not forget, Gandhi is imprinted on each and every currency note in India.
Heaps of money, We continued to build.

Friday, August 26, 2011


I cannot drive, Even my brother can't
He learnt twice, I never did.
Now come on, admit it.
Women can't drive.

From Sanskrit
To Hindi
We've travelled miles
From neutrality
To the living attributes of inanimate

Aeroplanes, the remarkable agents of commutation
Computers, the geniuses
And homes were men.
Trains, books and huts remained female.

Oh how men painted women
As powerful and the future of
The free country they dreamt of
Oh how women painted themselves
As caged in walls of the past

The intellect speaks in silence
About democracy and its ways
But the floating heads give it away
The rule of none, is what they want
Men and women, all alike.

Ah, they're mushrooming.
Symptoms of anarchy.
Treatment, none.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


This was my first attempt at making a .gif file. The frames are inconsistent but I still love it. :)

Credits-Rajat(for discovering the talent in these images)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Thenks, Benks

When I went to Paharganj on a hot Sunday morning, I discovered a lot of the walls, shutters and random objects of scribble value autographed by the name of 'Benks'.
Who is Benks? I wondered. "Some guy who has nothing to do and hence wrote his name everywhere" said my cousin who was accompanying me.
After a considerable amount of research and googling, I found out that Benks who is famously known as Banksy or Benksy is a British graffiti Artist known for the irony and political bend in his work. He is apparently the highest pai
d graffiti artist in the world and his identity remains hidden even after several attempts of unmasking him. His real name is probably Robert or Robin Benks.

What brings him to India? I speculated. But then I concluded that probably a fan of his made an attempt to familiarise us Indians with him in support of graffiti art.
You can see his work on his website here-​dex.html

**Graffiti art is often seen as an unlawful activity defacing public property. However, another trail of thoughts reflects upon it as a marvellous method of opining silently.**