Sunday, March 13, 2016


There are so many brands of perfect in the mart,
Each with a seal of its own.
Some longer lasting than the rest.
All stacked neatly at the same store.
The ones that cost you more,
Stocked right in front of your eyes.
The discounted, on sale, and partly broken pieces are a little hard to find.
But just when you think you've struck the best deal,
Know that this isn't probably your luck.
Look closely, inspect a little more.
Check the usual check marks.
These brands are built to deceive.
Never skip the details in fine print.
That's the most crucial information, masked by the great processes of marketing.
Don't be blinded by their shiny packaging.
Don't be fooled by their magical word play.
Because they won't be able to get you a refund.
They won't answer your questions in a consumer court.
They will just ask you,
If the seal was broken, why did you buy it anyway?

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