Thursday, March 17, 2016

We become what we fight.

Sometimes I'm the system,
The system of survival of the fittest.
Sometimes I'm lies,
Filled with every venomous drop of veracity.
Sometimes I'm anxiety,
And a fear of loss and insecurity.
Sometimes I'm the army,
Of mighty men who never say never.
Sometimes I'm ice cold,
Ungrateful and shrewd as a pest.
Sometimes I'm vagueness,
Fluid and fragmented.
Sometimes I'm a belief,
As strong and outdated as religion.
Sometimes I'm a morning,
Assumptuous that everyone needs sunshine.
Sometimes I'm all of you,
Camouflaged in canopies of myriad identities.
Sometimes I'm me,
We become what we fight.

Sunday, March 13, 2016


There are so many brands of perfect in the mart,
Each with a seal of its own.
Some longer lasting than the rest.
All stacked neatly at the same store.
The ones that cost you more,
Stocked right in front of your eyes.
The discounted, on sale, and partly broken pieces are a little hard to find.
But just when you think you've struck the best deal,
Know that this isn't probably your luck.
Look closely, inspect a little more.
Check the usual check marks.
These brands are built to deceive.
Never skip the details in fine print.
That's the most crucial information, masked by the great processes of marketing.
Don't be blinded by their shiny packaging.
Don't be fooled by their magical word play.
Because they won't be able to get you a refund.
They won't answer your questions in a consumer court.
They will just ask you,
If the seal was broken, why did you buy it anyway?

Sunday, March 6, 2016


There is a lot of tension in the wire that connects us.
But the relations between us are cordial.
Almost like two countries that have a history of wars.
But have known peace for long now.
Wars usually evoke a sense of something ugly.
But this conflict taught me that destruction can be beautiful.
Like living with an idea and then letting it ruin you by ceasing to exist.
You could still live with that idea, right?
Or should you get real?
I don't know what will happen first,
Will the wire break, or would it be us.
I would have preferred the wire to coil up around me,
And you.
Rendering us a sad picture, but a great caption.
Half of you is happy, the other half happily defeated.
While every half of me is wholly conflicted, even without you.