Friday, August 29, 2008

Don’t Stop Me

Hey people, this is not really a piece of literature, but it really describes me....and would strike a chord with most of you! hope you enjoy!

Don’t stop me, Let me speak,

It’s my view.

Don’t stop me, Let me breathe,

It’s my freedom.

Don’t stop me, Let me fly,

It’s my sky.

Don’t stop me, Let me cross,

It’s my ocean.

Don’t stop me, Let me dream,

It’s my world.

Don’t stop me, Let me live,

It’s my life.

By Ashima Madan



Mallika said...

That's just AMAZING. Simple, yet it speaks a lot. You're a pretty good poetess.. You should teach me :D!
I love this. I've read it thrice already!

ashima madan said...

omg!! i love you!!

!~!~Saurabh Verma~!~! said...

Well there's a saying that
Truth is bitter...

dunno much about the bitterness of truth but I know something and that is

If you speak whats true it has to touch people!

!~!~Saurabh Verma~!~!

ashima madan said...

uhm did this tuch you? you dint specify! lol

!~!~Saurabh Verma~!~! said...

you are a matured little kid :)
i hope u understand the above statement

and respond to it rather then
instantly reacting!

ur thoughts are wonderful!
and i do like the way you write

Truth has the power to touch my soul all the times! And a lie can
switch off my conversations an any point of time... not so complicated is it?

!~!~Saurabh Verma~!~!

ashima madan said...

well...when you say that i am a "mature" little kid....then you shouldn't say-"respond" ...dont"react" goes without saying! mature people just respond....they don't react! and i am kinda used to hearing no reactions are possible here!! hehe