Hey people!!
Yes I know I'm not keeping up with the promise of posting everyday, but well...I'm probably the only visitor of my blog, so who cares? :P
But in any case, if you ever make the mistake of entering my blog(thanks to my adverse publicity) and the destiny is such that you land up on this post, please answer my question
ie.-WHY do people type so pathetically while they're chatting/texting?
Does it make them cool by any chance??
Or does it make them feel young and in tune with the popular fashion??
Well then grab a piece of mind from me, and stop it.
It is not only annoying and deceiving the very idea of communication, but also projects you in a very unprofessional light with streaks of unawareness. It is NOT cool. It is NOT young. On the other hand, it is LAME! Very LAME!
I'll give you a few interesting examples-
A friend of mine, Radhika, types in this hysterical way.
of becomes o
on becomes n
and also becomes n {So you have to be very intelligent to figure her messages, luckily I am}
is becomes s
to becomes t
that become tat
Another friend of mine, Akriti has an amazing drunk way of expressing herself. I have known her for about 4 years now, and I do not get her on text, EVER.
two, to and too too becomes 2.
drink and drunk become drnk.
plain, plan, plane become pln.
And yet if you don't understand what she means, you are the one who is sleepy.
Yet another dear friend of mine(Yes I'm surrounded with these people), Aakanksha is the best case.
She signs off by saying-
LooOOoOOooo0oO0o0OO0Ooo0OOooOOOOooOOoOOoOOove yoOooOouUuu
When I talk to my dad on text, it seems like I am talking to my future son.
Even he uses this acclaimed language of the aliens.
And well what to say about Akhtar sir. He is an ENGLISH teacher!!!! And a pretty good one at that. He writes amazingly well, and you can refer a few of my earlier posts for his comments on them. They're sufficient to be called as a post on their own. You'd want a teacher like that all your life, but of course not everyone is as lucky as I'm :P
But, it's disappointing to read his informal texts. They make use of this brilliant literary concept.
i h8 t. jus s mch. plz dn uz t.