Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Till Eternity..........

Edla the goddess of waters,

Of the mighty oceans

Loved her territory.

She commanded her slaves

To twist, to rise, to break,

To split, to swirl, to fade.

She imprisoned her slaves

In the locks of her curls.

In withering heat of the sun,

She guarded each and every drop

Of the waters that she loved.

The waters which were encased

In her glorious charm and royalty,

Promised to pay back their loyalty—

For which they were known

And since generations had grown

One day, a drop of fresh water was born

Into the family of those slaves.

“Only change is constant in nature”, he said.

“No slave I am. I am the master of my will.” He thought.

The heat of his passion to revolt,

Made him rise

But Edla wasn’t swayed.

She called for him

And he dutifully fulfilled her request.

“The purpose of your life is to take my commands”

She tried to persuade.

But the drop of fresh water began to explain.

“My life is mine. I’m here by the accident of birth.”

Impressed by his wits and the confidence he had

Edla, to her surprise, was glad.

He too couldn’t resist the infectious fragrance

Of her noble will.

But the voyagers of paths that never met,

Continued their journeys and nothing was expressed.

Dismissing the air of an evolving emotion,

She set the drop of water to commotion.

And knowingly or unknowingly, he followed the orders.

”I am yours till eternity”

She whispered to herself.

Next day the sun rose from the west

And gradually proceeded overhead.

Edla protected all her loved ones

But her eyes looked for the one who was nowhere to be seen.

The heat of the sun ignited the spark

In the soul of the drop of fresh water.

Protection from the sun was the last thing he’d need.

Even before Edla could glimpse,

The drop of fresh water was eloping with the winds.

A drop of salty water took his position she made sure,

For her pain and grief there was no other cure.

“I am yours till eternity”

She whispered to herself.

He on the other hand,

Was experiencing a new world altogether.

For which he wasn’t designed,

The realities of the mankind.

But the blinding blaze of the golden flame,

Kept him away from himself always.

A part of him was immersed in the joy of satisfaction,

And a part of him knew he wasn’t satisfied.

He wasn’t what he was before.

He wasn’t the drop of fresh water, as Edla had known.

In her castle, Edla built castles in the air

With the memories and impressions

Of the drop of fresh water

Who actually didn’t, but for her—displayed existence.

“I am yours till eternity”

She whispered to herself.

As maturity enveloped him,

He grew a little cold.

Realizations crept in, and so did the

Clouds of gloomy days to come.

The impurities he had gained,

Escaped with the downpour.

And as pure as he was before,

He descended towards his home.

His home....where he truly belonged.

But Edla wouldn’t welcome him.

But Edla wouldn’t accept him.

He was still not what he was.

“I am yours till eternity”

She whispered to herself.